Monday 12 April 2010

Millstream, the untold story

There was one event that for some reason I forgot to include in the last blog, must be aluminium poisoning getting to my grey matter!

We were sitting having dinner on our last evening and suddenly from who knows were, but most likely from down the chimney, a bat was flying around the room. Now as you can imagine Sue shrieked and almost had a heart attack! She quickly retreated up to the bedroom and shut the door. I had hurriedly opened the front door but could did not notice if the little chap had left or not. I had a good hunt around with a torch but could not see it. Sue came back down and we continued to eat, she was not a relaxed happy bunny!

Just a few mins later it was flying again! It was so small I had not noticed it nestled in the brickwork around the fireplace. This time Sue stayed put crouched on her chair, hands over head, eyes shut, while I opened all the doors and chased the bat around trying to coax it out it which it eventually did after a few minutes of arm waving. Doors quickly closed.

Dinner was eventually completed and Sue was off to bed in the blink of an eye! Oh and I did check out the rooms upstairs first just in case ;)

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