Hopefully we will be in a new country tomorrow. Not that we will be glad to leave Moz, we have really enjoyed our first visit here, we will be back.
We left Pangane on thursday, still no sign of the tent cover so we hashed sommit together, and made our way to Mocumboa and the last main town on our trip thru the country. Sue and i got stopped at a road block for the 1st time. I think the policeman just wanted to practise his English, and after a quick perusal of our documents we were soon on our way again.
Not much to report on Mocumboa itself, just another ruined Portuguese settlement. Saying that there is something about these old towns that appeals. The sights of the departure of a modern society and a return to a more primitive life fascinates me, its almost like a sci-fi movie after an nuclear apocalypse.
We were hoping to fill up with diesel this morning on our way out of town but the pump ran dry after barely a single litre had dribbled into Rich's tank. They promised an imminent delivery but even after a quick tour of the town there was on sign so we decided to make do and hope for supplies in Tanzania.
The drive today kept us busy on a deteriorating and narrowing sandy road but it was more than manageable. We have ended up for the night just west of Quionga at a mission run by Andre and Anne Marie, originally from Cape Town. They have been up here for 3 years now, and they very kindly offered to let us setup camp on their land.
The good news is that I managed to SMS Captain Phillip the ferry man and we are set for catching the Rovuma crossing at 1200 sharp on Saturday. So assuming we make the 20km on a bad road in the morning and succeed in finding some officials to process us at the Moz border we shall cross to Tanzania. Oh and we must remember that 1200 Tanz is actually 1100 Moz time!
S10'35.530 E40'30.442
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