Tuesday, 27 May 2008

There's a 'pot of holes' at the end of the rainbow

The further we go the further we realise we still have to go, even just in Mozambique!
We made steady progress up the coast stopping in Inhambane to change some money but couldn't stop for lunch thanks to the rain. Instead we headed to Tofo to eat and find a spot to sleep. Not finding anything suitable sometime later, to sleep, we diverted to Barra in the fading light. After an interesting drive on a very loose sandy track we made it to the site of 'choice', next to the lighthouse. The view was great, the ablutions interesting, and the dog that barked all night, tiring! Kaz shut it in the ladies at about 1am and some sleep was finally gotten.
A new day, a released, relieved, and now quiet dog, and back on the road. We couldn't stay another night with the barking and the ladies was not an option as the dog had almost eaten its way out overnight! Ironically the faded painting on the side of the toilets read 'PONTA DA BARKA'.
Our daily coffee stop turned into a lesson on opening coconuts, and amusing the crowd of children that appeared from nowhere. They seemed most amused and bemused in our ritual.
Our next stop evolved into Morrungulo, a beach resort. A delightful 2 nights was spent, and a combination of swimming, clothes washing, and relaxation was had.
Back on the tar again, well the tar that could be found amid the onslaught of potholes! Vilanculos was a diversion on route for essentials like money and fuel. The bank took ages, not too busy, but slow and they also did a check on Rich to see if he was a money laundering Columbian drug lord, very thorough!
It was a relief to make Inhassoro at the end of the day. A hotel on the beach that is slowly being rebuilt with ample camping to the side. So 2 nights here, swimming etc sigh, and then attack the potholes again!


Anonymous said...

Just read Matt's blog up to 27th May. Whats happening to your updates. Called Sylvia and read the updates to her. Had great lunch with Lisa, Heather, Heidi, Lutricia on Sat. You were missed.
Off to Parys for the day on Sat with Lisa to shop. Booked 2 Aug w.e at Clarens with Lisa & Anne for my birthday. Otherwise all well Jhb cold and wet. Love Sheens

Anonymous said...

Well we had rain too - lots and it is very cold! So lucky to be swimming. James still asking for you guys - i tell him, you are on holiday (has not said holiday yet, but will soon). Keep well and safe.

Ozz said...

I guess Joyce would say that at least the dog wasn't snoring. Good to see you are well on your way. Now tell the truth - have you caught any fish yet?


Wayne & Joyce

Anonymous said...

Thank you Matt and Sue for the update - Rich's fingers taking strain now I take it and Kaz too busy with washing and cooking (:-))
Enjoy nevertheless!!!
Gray, Chris, Kath & Angie!!