Sunday, 11 May 2008

The 1st night

It has been a long day. We had a fantastic send off at Kaz & Rich's place. All their friends turned out to see us all off, but sadly we were the only ones going as Rich is still not well. He is in hospital now and hoping for a speedy recovery from his infection.
We are now in our 1st camp in Kruger and all setup for the night. Dinner has been eaten and a couple of gin and tonics drunk.
We will try and stop here one more night to get ourselves sorted out rather than move onto the next camp booked tomorrow.
Life is good!


Anonymous said...

Morning M & S. Hope you had a good nights sleep.
Really sorry to hear about Rich - hope he is sorted out soon and they join you guys soon.
Missing you already - will give you a ring later.

Love Sal

swiss said...

Hi M&S

There you are... its easy....

The trip will improve in direct proportion to the number of G & Ts!

Do hope Kaz & Rich manage to join you soon

Love Dad & Parvin

Anonymous said...

Hi guys ... good to hear that you are at last on your way. We'll be checking in often.

Love Carolyn

Ozz said...

Hello you buggers, They say that G&T's are excellent repellant for mosquitos, so you better ensure that there is sufficient gin flowing through your veins at all times. Can't wait to see photos of your first fish(es)- I'm backing Sue to be the first.

Be safe

The Ozzies

SpokesT said...

Aaagh! All I can say is I am dead jealous! Here I am in the office at work reading all about you guys swanning about in Africa. Not fair! :-)