Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Better late than never

Even the best of plans need the odd tweak here or there!!
Our planned departure date of 4th May has now been pushed by a week to 11th
May. Why? Many reasons, the main one being that we are not ready to go yet!
The truck has a mysterious clunking problem from underneath and thus is in
with Toyota today and possibly tomorrow to hopefully get that resolved.
Monday, Thursday, and Friday this week are all public holidays too, which
doesn't help, and we have a couple of problems with our aluminium canopy
that need to be sorted and that can't be done until next week. Oh, and Kaz
and Rich are dragging their heels, come on guys!!
So a weeks grace and a few more days to pull the rest of our hair out
getting it all done!!


Anonymous said...

Just discovered your new blog. Good to hear that all is (sort of) going to plan. Look forward to reading your updates. Jon (Ol, Eva and Saskia).

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you're overlooking the stray tiger threat....could come back to haunt you....

swiss said...

Apart from all that you are ready to go!
As a matter of interest - what are the AA or GreenFlag patrols like in Central Africa?
